Wednesday 25 April 2012

There are 2 types of people...

Nigella Lawson once said in her tv program, "There are 2 types of people: those that make lists and those that manage to get through life" or at least it was something like that. This was when my love for Nigella was cemented because she is so right. She carried on to say that she was definitely the former and I am too.

My Jim is quite the opposite to me and is definitely a winger, he somehow manages to get through life without planning anything. He finds my planning instinct (which is obviously a result of my job where organising myself and others is key) very weird and totally out of control.

For The Trip, I have understandably made a number of lists. I have never flown long haul (so I am planning in detail what to take on the plane) and I have never been travelling or on holiday for longer than 2 weeks. Jim on the other hand has done both, frequently, and usually just turns up! Very different to my approach.

I thought I'd document the lists/spreadsheets I've made to see if anyone thought I was going over the top:
  1. Places to visit in Oz - to decide where to go.
  2. Airlines that travel to Australia.
  3. Seat width, height and leg room, inflight meal, cost and reviews for each airline.
  4. Flight times.
  5. Numbers 4 and 5 for internal flights (of which there are 6)
  6. Hotels: cost, location, facilities and ratings for each town we visit.
  7. Cost from 7 different discount hotel websites for the chosen hotels.
  8. Transfers from the airports.
  9. Things to do in each town.
  10. Restaurants in each town which had good reviews, nice looking food and at a reasonable cost.
  11. Breakfast cafes.
  12. Things to take on the plane to make long haul travel easier.
  13. Clothes to take (sub-sectioned by weather, time of day and activity) and which items pair together to make a full outift (including co-ordinating bag and shoes).
  14. Things to buy.
  15. Toiletries needed (and those supplied by the hotel)
  16. iPod updates.
  17. Snacks to take.
  18. Things to do at home to before we go eg washing, tidying up etc.
  19. People to notify (eg mobile operator, banks)
  20. Remaining to-do list before we go.
  21. A list of the lists so as to not forget anything.
Now I don't think that's excessive, do you?

Image from Sydney on Sunday

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